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The McRib is super healthy and nothing like a yoga mat

I have to assume that the McRib will be coming to Connecticut shortly. I ate three McRibs during a two day trip to Indiana in the fall, and according to the McRib locator (yes, it’s a thing), there are confirmed sightings in Oklahoma and a possible sighting in Weymouth, Massachusetts. There is hope. As Andy…

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The McRib is back. It’s delicious. And there’s nothing wrong with it, you closed-minded, pretentious food snobs.

The weather is getting colder. Winter is upon us. You know what that means? The McRib will be back soon. I can’t wait. I know what your thinking. I know how many of you feel about the McRib and McDonald’s in general. But wait. Just listen.  After mentioning to my class that I often eat…

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